L O U I S E  M O R R I S 

Issue No. 8   -  Friday, 7th December 2018 
The Three-Sentence Bible
I read To Heaven and Back by Mary C. Neal on the overnight ferry from Shetland on my way back to the States in September.  It's a 14-hour boat trip, I didn't have a cabin, and I don't sleep well on the boat.  
So I loaded my phone with audiobooks from Cloud Library (yay for library cards) to get me through the night.  Mary's book was one of them.

Mary died in a kayaking accident in South America.  She left her body, went to heaven, met joyful heavenly beings who had loved her forever, and then ultimately returned to her body when she was told it wasn't her time.

It is a great story, but the most fascinating part for me is what happens during Mary's recovery.

Mary was in the hospital, immobilized due to her injuries, when she asked a nurse to bring her a Bible.  Mary had blurry vision after the accident, and as she flicked through the Bible for inspiration, she found she couldn't make out any of the words  - except for one sentence: 

"Rejoice always."
1 Thessalonians 5:16 (ESV)

She felt it was a divine message, given it was the ONLY two words in the Bible that she could see.  

Later the same day, another sentence became clear to her:

"Pray without ceasing."
1 Thessalonians 5:17 (ESV)

By now, as I was listening to this section of the audiobook on the boat, I was riveted.  I love prayer, so this got my attention. 

The final sentence that became clear to her was:

"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God's in Christ Jesus for you."
1 Thessalonians 5:18 (ESV)

For several days, these three sentences were the only things she could see clearly.  Faces, TV, the rest of the Bible, or any other written material remained blurred. 

I thought her experience was extraordinary.  I've read about near-death experiences before, and always enjoy the stories, but this was something new.

In truth, I'm not particularly fond of the Bible.  I have read it cover to cover but I can't say I find it particularly comforting or inspirational.  The language is mostly unapproachable.  There's a lot of murder, violence, and oppression in there.  The words have often been used to defend utterly heinous and despicable acts. 

For years, I couldn't find much of anything in it to guide my spirituality until I started studying New Thought teachers who explained some of the metaphysics so I could begin to find some value.  The "dig your ditches" story, for example, or The Golden Rule. 

(Plus, there was a time I used the random open technique I learned from Catherine Ponder.  I asked God about my life purpose while holding a Bible and opened it up to a passage that blew me away.  That story will be in the prayer book.  Hint: The work I am doing now, including this newsletter, is my life's purpose.)

What if Mary's miracle is like having a divine highlighter that picks out only the most important of all the Bible's messages?  No murder.  No violence. No heinous or despicable acts.  Just the basics - rejoice, pray, give thanks.  

Interestingly, these three simple messages also align with New Thought and metaphysical teachings.

For example:
  • According to this research, joy is one of the highest vibrations on the planet.  
  • Nantene told me that prayer is simply alignment with Spirit, and prayer can have many forms, such as preparing your food with love or standing up for what you believe is right.  It is easier to see how one might "pray without ceasing" with this definition.
  • Gratitude is a big part of The Secret, and I love this quote from Conversations with God, "The correct prayer is therefore never a prayer of supplication, but a prayer of gratitude.  When you thank God in advance for that which you choose to experience in your reality, you, in effect, acknowledge that it is there ... in effect.  Thankfulness is thus the most powerful statement to God; an affirmation that even before you ask, I have answered."  Also, read this miracle story about the power of "Thank you!"

Whether or not you read Mary's story (I loved it!) there is something profoundly simple about a three-sentence Bible, regardless of religious affiliation (or, like me, non-affiliation).   I hope you find it inspiring.

Until next week,

Louise x
As I was doing the final edits for this week's newsletter, I got distracted and opened up Seth Godin's daily email.  I clicked on the link to his new book and found a video review, which I also clicked on.  The video was by the creator of Wishbeads, which I'd never heard of.  So I continued my distraction to find out more.  

When I got to the site, I saw these beautiful bracelets, which act as an incubator for wishes.  I thought it was a brilliant idea and a great way of focusing creative energy through intention and focus.  

I have no affiliation with Wishbeads, nor am I compensated in any way if you make a purchase.  I just think they are pretty and a great idea.
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